The Fear Starting My Business

Starting my photogrphy business was one of the scariest things I think I have ver done! The fear of am I good enough to actually out mysekf out there almost stopped me several time from commiting. But I am now 6 months into this joourney and I honestky feel blessed everyday that I am doing something that makes me feel so genuinely happy.

“My goal wasn’t to become a photographer”

It all started back when my second bub was born. When I was 6 weeks postpartum Hubby took me to JB to buy me a camera. I thought this will be a great way to documents my to as they grow and it will give me something to do while I am on maternity leave from my real job.

I still remember getting home and reading the manual to figure out how to turn the camera on and attach the lens. Once I passed that first hurdle I then promptly enrolled in a beginners course called Mamatography. A 6 week course to learn how to use my camera to capture memories of my kids. That is seriously the only expectation I went into the course with. My goal wasn’t to become a photographer at all! But the course did something to me. Suddenly I had a passion, a desire to learn EVERYTHING I could about photography.

I literally spent the next 6 months practicing over and over and consuming as much info and education as I could. I think it took me a good 3 months before I even admitted out loud that I was thinking about heading down the track of photography. I mean what if I was really bad and nobody had told me?

I mentioned it to Hubby and I still remember his saying “What, your just going to become a photogrpher?” and I was like Yep!

Fast forward to August 2022 and I finally took the step to launch as a business. And look that sounds all fancy, but really I just made an insta page and popped a model call up. I thought it would be cool if i had a handful of people apply for me to take photos of. Within 24 hours I had 67 application in my inbox and my head was spinning!

I was having literal panic attacks about weather I could do this or not! So I had to have a chat with myself and basically decied to just act like I knew what I was doing, when inside I had NOOOO idea lol.

I picked out 7 of my applications and locked in a time to take some photos with them. I laugh now as Jordy was only 7 months old and would come out to “Photo shoots” with me. I will say that didn’t last long.

I officially popped a note up that I was opening to take bookings from September 2022 and I waited. Then slowly but surely I leads and enquiries started to come in. I can tell you now that every new lead email is a happy dance moment from me!

So here we are, 6 months in and 108 shoots down. I still get nervous before each shoot, but it’s the excited kind of nervous these days and I love it. 6 months of learning, growth, finding a community and making mistakes (because lets face it we all do) but honestly I couldn’t be happier or prouder then I am right now.

I have learnt so much, and still have alot more to go! But I always want to be here to cheer on my fellow togs who are thinking about taking the leap into photography as a business. My DM’s and emails are always open and I am a firm beliver in community over compertition.

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